Acupuncturist Onehunga

Sports Medicine Acupuncture

At Advanced Recovery in Onehunga, we are the only clinic in New Zealand to be certified in the highly specialised and effective Sports Medicine Acupunture® system

What Is Sports Medicine Acupuncture®?

Sports Medicine Acupuncture® is an advanced and highly specialised system combining Western sports medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine. It uses orthopaedic testing, postural assesment, manual muscle testing, functional anatomy, range of motion testing and functional movement tests to asses and get to the root cause of an inury.

As the name suggests, Sports Medicine Acupuncture® is highly effective at treating sports related injuries and dysfunctions and enhancing athletic performance. It is also extemely effective at assesing and treating  non sport related  musculoskeletal and overuse injuries.


Sports Medicine Acupuncture® Treatment

Once the injury has been fully assesed and a correct diagnisis is reached, an individualised treatment plan will be created. Treatment may consist of specialised acupuncture techniques, myofsascial release, taping, and rehabilitative exercises.

NEW zealand’s only certified sports medicine acupuncture® clinic

We are currently the only clinic in New Zealand and were the first in Australasia to receive the Sports Medicine Acupuncture certification in the USA.

Sports Medicine Acupuncture® treatment in Auckland

At Advanced Recovery, we are dedicated to providing exceptional care to our patients. We are comitted to understanding your specific needs, goals and challenges. Our goal is to work with you to design individualised treatment plans to address your unique sitiuation, help you overcome obstacles, optimise performance and regain full functionality.

We invite you to experience the benefits of Sports Medicine Acupuncture® and discover it’s transformative potential. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and take the first step towards optimal performance, injury prevention and accelerated recovery.

ACC Sports Medicine Acupuncture® Treatment i

If your injury is a result of an accident you will qualify for ACC covered treatment. We are registered ACC treamtent providers and can treat cases will a current ACC claim.