Advanced Recovery Physiotherapy & Acupuncture Clinic
Do I need to do anything to prepare for my appointment?
Generally no, however if receiving acupuncture, it’s best not to have a completely empty stomach, or conversely not to just have eaten.
How long will my appointment at the physio and acupuncture clinic take?
The initial appointment for physiotherapy is 45 minutes and follow ups are 30 minutes, for acupuncture the appointments are 60 minutes
What should I wear for my appointment?
Ideally try to wear something loose that exposes the injured site. Please be aware we may need to expose other areas of the body during treatment. We have shorts and singlets available to wear if necessary.
Is there an ACC Co-payment?
The initial physiotherapy appointment has a $35 co-payment and all follow ups are $30 and for acupuncture the co-payment is $20
Does acupuncture therapy hurt?
Acupuncture is generally not painful. However, you do feel some sensation during the needling. You should not feel any sharp sensation when the needle is inserted and when the needle hits the point there is an achy, distending or travelling sensation.
Is there parking on site?
Yes. We have parking in front of the clinic. Our parks are directly outside the front door of the clinic and the next park on the right. Please do not park two parks over to the right as this park belongs to Ray White.
Onehunga Physio & Acupuncture Treatment in Auckland
Please do not hesitate to contact us so that can work together to help you resolve your health issues. We offer a combination of the best of traditional and innovative approaches for effective pain and rehabilitation treatment.